source,text,created_at,id_str Twitter Web Client,.@HillaryClinton and Obama policies increased debt by $9trillion over the last 8 years,09-27-2016 01:18:55,780577426657120258 Twitter for iPhone,NATIONAL DEBT January 2009 = $10.6 TRILLIONAugust 2016 = $19.4 TRILLION,08-28-2016 02:33:29,769724556949020672 Twitter for Android,I am "the king of debt."That has been great for me as a businessman but is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt will fix U.S.,06-21-2016 16:55:41,745299161130635264 Instagram,Obama-Clinton inherited $10T in debt and turned it into nearly $20T. They have bankrupted…,06-21-2016 16:53:07,745298514096308225 Twitter for Android,"@mariadaq: HISTORIC!! what's historic is OUR national debt record unemployment &pocketbook crisis!THE PEOPLE NEED TRUMP2 make USA RICH!",06-08-2016 12:14:32,740517366551969792 Twitter Web Client,Conservative? Jeb Bush doubled Florida State debt!,09-28-2015 19:21:25,648578273836797952 Twitter Web Client,"@mikerotondo86 Only Trump can bring us back from 20 Trillion in debt... He's the only one with the experience and skill set to do so.",08-11-2015 18:24:52,631169425920655361 Twitter for iPhone,"@FoxNews: @realDonaldTrump: “When you have $18-$19 trillion in debt they need someone like me to straighten it out",08-07-2015 05:12:03,629520356487864320 Twitter Web Client,DC has shrunk our military and exploded our country with debt. We can’t send another politician to the White House,07-24-2015 16:48:52,624622286843199489 Twitter for Android,The $10 billion (net worth) is AFTER all debt and liabilities. So simple to understand but @CNN & @CNNPolitics is just plain dumb!,07-18-2015 14:03:49,622406423121506304 Twitter for Android,Has anyone seen the financials of @Univision. They are doing really badly. Too much debt and not enough viewers. Need money fast. Funny!,07-11-2015 11:44:39,619834683069632512 Twitter for Android,"@TimWByrd: DonaldTrump i have so much faith in you that if you ran for president I know your the only one who could get America out of debt,06-14-2015 08:13:18,609997022607843328 Twitter for Android,"@Pri. Had a dream that @realDonaldTrump was POTUS and @WarrenBuffett was VP. Our country was finally debt free. Too bad it was only a dream,05-21-2015 06:18:50,601270908997734401 Twitter Web Client,Our debt finances China’s military. It's time to get tough – we hold all the cards. Let’s Make America Great Again!,05-19-2015 18:40:19,600732734668025856 Twitter Web Client,Fact – while Jeb was governor & Rubio was House Majority Leader Florida’s debt more than doubled. Conservatives?,04-23-2015 17:22:17,591291012091351040 Twitter for Android,"@IzzyIrelandXXX: We need @realDonaldTrump as President. A great business man will get this country out of debt and back on it's feet,04-12-2015 23:21:09,587395057076064256 Twitter Web Client,"@JJ55334767 @realDonaldTrump Please save America! The country has over $18 trillion in debt!",03-24-2015 18:31:56,580436902500835329 Twitter for Android,"@ericleebow: Learning that you were once 900 million in debt at one point can make any entrepreneur a believer. Amazing success story.",02-11-2015 03:21:53,565349980169592832 Twitter Web Client,With America's debt topping $21T by the end of his presidency Obama will have effectively bankrupted our country. @davidaxelrod,02-10-2015 15:16:40,565167471343464449 Twitter for Android,"@danhalen: DonaldTrump great job on Letterman last night! Great points on healthcare and our national debt! Thank you for bringing that up",01-10-2015 09:58:55,553853483016015872 Twitter for Android,"@iintend: DonaldTrump At one time you were 900 million in debt and you came back. You never flinched. You have to respect that." Thank you,01-02-2015 02:59:42,550848883493179393 Twitter for Android,"@fsdiva06: Santa...All I want for Christmas. kids to be healthy pay off all our debt be debt free 3. DonaldTrump become President,12-24-2014 23:29:17,547896825513250817 Twitter Web Client,Broken borders $18T debt ObamaCare failing & over budget. Don’t worry our president is still fundraising Priorities,12-03-2014 20:22:35,540239698099437569 Twitter Web Client,Yesterday our national debt topped a record $18T. Over 44% has accrued under Obama. A real mess.,12-02-2014 21:20:05,539891780205170689 Twitter for Android,"@KauaiNj: @seanhannity Donald would definitely get us out of the deep doo-doo & debt BO has driven us into. He has common/economic sense.",10-29-2014 02:51:47,527291679670554624 Twitter for Android,So many problems in the U.S. and leadership that is hopeless...and now on top of everything else we just hit $18 trillion in debt!,10-14-2014 04:09:13,521875347248533505 Twitter for Android,"@IndyBuffaloJim: The American public will fall deeper in debt and will crush our middle class. Another plan of our Socialistic President.,09-11-2014 08:52:27,509987825245511681 Twitter for Android,"@woofeous: @realDonaldTrump Typical I bet the Dems will "surrender" the oil over to the Russians & Chinese as payment for our debts etc.,07-05-2014 08:13:12,485335571850866688 Twitter for Android,"@paranormalfact: @realDonaldTrump We need someone like you in Office who knows how to get this country out of debt #TrumpForPresident" Easy,06-17-2014 08:24:09,478815349127655424 Twitter for Android,Have you ever seen our country look weaker or more pathetic: Snowden ObamaCare VA Russia jobs decimated military debt and so much more,05-29-2014 12:28:50,471991556850081792 Twitter Web Client,"@Tyler4rmwc You would make a great President. If anyone can get us out of debt it's you sir. Everything you touch turns to gold." Thanks,04-01-2014 13:44:26,450992083609088000 Twitter for Android,"@kathyshirer: Your Country needs you~~Donald Trump~~ Your about the only one in The World; That can get us out of debt!" Thank you!,02-17-2014 08:46:36,435334453020594176 Twitter Web Client,Hope & Change! China now controls a record number of our debt,01-20-2014 20:51:55,425370123621236736 Twitter Web Client,Unsustainable. With our $17T debt & $90T in unfunded liabilities government “blatantly” wasted $30B this year,12-17-2013 19:58:15,413035434067759104 Twitter Web Client,Upstate New York needs jobs. Frack Now & Frack Fast! Pay off NY State debt.,11-07-2013 20:28:09,398547441433075712 Twitlonger,Obama is the most profligate deficit & debt spender in our nation’s history. Doubled debt (cont),10-10-2013 18:33:24,388371705577897984 Twitter Web Client,"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure." - Sen. Obama 3/16/06,10-10-2013 17:58:19,388362875888103424 Twitter Web Client,With the debt limit approaching @GOP has even more leverage. If they stay united and on message they can win.,10-07-2013 20:42:54,387317129181032448 Twitter for Android,"@HoneyBadger210: @realDonaldTrump Remember when Obama said Bush raising the debt ceiling was "unpatriotic?" RT!!!",10-04-2013 12:55:18,386112291290480640 Twitter for Android,Remember that in 2006 then Senator Obama voted NOT TO INCREASE THE DEBT CEILING. Now he acts in disbelief as others plan to do the same!,10-01-2013 02:11:38,384863143002120193 Twitter Web Client,What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.,08-29-2013 18:14:25,373146637184401408 Twitter Web Client,Today Obama will give another speech on the economy. Tomorrow our country will still be $17T+ in debt with 18% real unemployment.,07-24-2013 18:25:21,360103425876295680 Twitter for Android,"@AdrianDemers: @realDonaldTrump if you were the President how long would it take for you to erase the U.S. Debt Deficit?" Not very long!,07-24-2013 10:32:18,359984376299257856 Twitter for Android,"@Its_FatTony: @realDonaldTrump how is it even possible to recover from 17Trillion in debt?" With GREAT.leadership it is easy!,07-24-2013 02:38:25,359865121943724032 Twitter for Android,"@Debtampa: @realDonaldTrump you are Never wrong? Never!,07-06-2013 03:25:06,353353887626960897 Twitter Web Client,Our debt is about to top $17T. ObamaCare and China (& others) are killing American business.,06-24-2013 19:31:34,349248454045859841 Twitter Web Client,Our debt is about to reach $17T. Iraq has $20T in oil reserves. Interesting.,06-20-2013 17:50:59,347773590436986880 Twitter Web Client,@ChristianVaux True--I am the king of eradicating debt--it's easy!,05-30-2013 14:37:58,340114870756319233 Twitter Web Client,Military has announced that China has successfully hacked our advanced weapon designs. China is our enemy.Should we offset this on our debt?,05-29-2013 20:17:56,339838035195752448 Twitter Web Client,House GOP better get its act together.Defund ObamaCare. Out negotiate on debt ceiling. Form commissions on Benghazi & IRS. No excuses!,05-29-2013 20:01:00,339833776752435200 Twitter for Android,"@CShanton: @realDonaldTrump wish we had politicians that were like you... Maybe the we could cut some debt then. #2016" Thanks!,03-24-2013 22:16:27,315950264416870400 Twitter Web Client,Via @BreitbartNews: "TRUMP TO REPUBLICANS: 'PLAY THE DEBT CEILING CARD'" by @joelpollak,03-15-2013 21:18:51,312674275305857025 Twitter Web Client,My @gretawire interview discussing why the sequestration cuts are necessary our $17T national debt & 2016 election,02-25-2013 19:22:02,306121899178598400 Twitter Web Client,I cannot believe the Republicans are extending the debt ceiling—I am a Republican & I am embarrassed!,01-23-2013 14:50:58,294094883394838528 Twitter Web Client,Republicans are always worried about their general approval. With proposing to 'ignore the debt ceiling' they are ignoring their base.,01-22-2013 20:30:46,293818006465826817 Twitter Web Client,The worst negotiators in history (otherwise known as Republicans) have just offered to suspend debt ceiling for four months. Pathetic!,01-22-2013 20:28:40,293817480131002368 Twitter Web Client,Republicans don’t extend the debt ceiling—make the great deal now!,01-22-2013 14:44:32,293730875860992000 Twitter Web Client,My @foxandfriends interview discussing Pres. Obama’s inauguration @GOP debt plan & @CelebApprentice #1 branding,01-21-2013 18:42:52,293428467507281921 Twitter Web Client,Remember as a senator Obama did not vote for increasing the debt ceiling I guess things change when President?!,01-14-2013 19:55:48,290910105426345984 Twitter Web Client,I’ll bet Obama now uses the amendment for the debt ceiling.,01-03-2013 21:45:26,286951429275516929 Twitter Web Client,My @foxandfriends interview from Monday discussing Obama’s tone going over the curb and Republican debt ceiling card,01-02-2013 16:55:35,286516096201269248 Twitter Web Client,The Republicans once again hold all the cards with the debt ceiling. They can get everything they want. Focus!,12-28-2012 19:01:28,284735836258451456 Twitter Web Client,My @gretawire interview re: how the debt ceiling is key point the fiscal curb & why we must & can make a great deal.,12-28-2012 18:40:18,284730512558403584 Twitter Web Client,Republicans remember—debt ceiling debt ceiling debt ceiling—be smart and you will win!,12-27-2012 22:10:33,284421034621415424 Twitter Web Client,I told the Republicans the debt ceiling talks should come before election--& we would have a Republican president—they wouldn’t listen.,12-27-2012 20:06:58,284389932783525888 Twitter Web Client,The Republicans must use the debt ceiling as leverage to make a great deal!,12-11-2012 21:28:15,278612182021853184 Twitter Web Client,Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar--I'm worth more than $8 billion acknowledged almost no debt ...,12-07-2012 16:31:33,277087964050382849 Twitter Web Client,@johnboehner 25 days to go until fiscal cliff (bad name)—it is only a fiscal curb! Debt ceiling is real fiscal cliff.. will be interesting!,12-06-2012 20:10:27,276780664911720448 Twitter Web Client,How can George Osborne reduce UK debt while spending billions to subsidize Scotland’s garbage wind turbines that are destroying the country?,12-06-2012 19:50:55,276775749166432256 Twitter Web Client,Republicans have the cards because of the debt ceiling—but it doesn’t seem that way!,12-06-2012 16:29:47,276725132674863105 Twitter Web Client,25 days to go until fiscal cliff (bad name)—it is only a fiscal curb! Debt ceiling is real fiscal cliff...and that will be interesting!,12-06-2012 16:29:11,276724982158086144 Twitter Web Client,.@johnboehner—if you can’t make a great deal go over the cliff & negotiate new deal along with debt ceiling in February!—Trump 101.,12-06-2012 15:51:34,276715515328737280 Twitter Web Client,China just landed a jet on an aircraft carrier stolen from a U.S. design. We should offset the thievery from our debt..,11-27-2012 21:33:35,273540096769269760 Twitter Web Client,With our record debt & trillion $ deficits our $ is now at an all-time low against the Chinese Yuan. Time for our gov't to work together.,11-15-2012 20:14:27,269171527461785600 Twitter Web Client,Our $17T national debt and $1T yearly budget deficits are a national security risk of the highest order.,11-13-2012 19:12:28,268431151666954241 Twitter Web Client,Concerns over the national debt are stopping businesses from hiring and expanding Obama's policies are unsustainable,11-02-2012 19:46:12,264453373988847617 Twitter Web Client,Scary. Obama and the Democrat Senate have accrued over $5T worth of debt without passing a budget in the last 3 years. 4 more years?,10-30-2012 18:57:30,263353955483004929 Twitter Web Client,.@MittRomney's @RNC convention came in over $3M under budget. Barack’s @DNC convention is over $10M in debt. What a surprise!,10-19-2012 20:30:45,259391157677719552 Twitter Web Client,Scary & Unsustainable: On Monday the US added more debt than from 1776 through Pearl Harbor,10-04-2012 19:48:54,253944806739439616 Twitter Web Client,Congratulations to Barack Obama for having 2012's debt already surpass 2011,10-03-2012 14:18:14,253499205283360768 Twitter Web Client,Now Obama's campaign is guaranteeing 12 million new jobs during a 2nd term More like $12T in new debt if he wins.,09-27-2012 19:39:29,251405719579009025 Twitter Web Client,Our $16T national debt is now bigger than our $15T GDP. If Obama is re-elected watch for an economic meltdown in 2013.,09-12-2012 20:39:56,245985117271642112 Twitter Web Client,Scary--while @BarackObama has been POTUS for 1.6% of America's history he has amassed 33.3% of the total debt.,09-06-2012 20:04:57,243801985374101504 Twitter Web Client,The delegates at the @DNC convention keep shouting "Four More Years." Four more years of 18% real unemployment and another $6T in debt?,09-06-2012 17:59:56,243770523883016192 Twitter Web Client,Better off? The $16T US debt works out to $136260 per household a 50% increase since @BarackObama took office.,09-05-2012 18:48:26,243420340716466177 Twitter Web Client,With all the talk of fiscal responsibility at the @DNC convention yesterday it was ironic that the debt passed $16T.,09-05-2012 17:36:34,243402256995729410 Twitter Web Client,With our national debt passing $16T during the @DNC convention @BarackObama has amassed more debt than the first 42 presidents. Scary.,09-04-2012 20:15:18,243079812372127744 Twitter Web Client,.@BarackObama is bankrupting this country. His budget adds another $4.4T to the debt putting us over $20T in total debt by 2016.,08-24-2012 18:54:53,239073307947847680 Twitter Web Client,US government's foreign indebtedness has grown over 72% under @BarackObama. He is bleeding us dry to China.,08-17-2012 18:57:05,236537149070143488 Twitter Web Client,The US government's foreign debt is at a record $5.29T China is laughing all the way to the bank.,08-17-2012 18:33:19,236531168911167490 Twitter Web Client,My @FoxNews interview on @TeamCavuto discussing why debt commission should be discussed in debates & @RNC convention,08-17-2012 15:29:57,236485021773492225 Twitter Web Client,In ’08 @PaulRyanVP predicted that US headed toward bankruptcy @BarackObama has added over $6T in debt since. Scary.,08-13-2012 21:18:43,235123241772015618 Twitter Web Client,Waste. With 22 new taxes & $1.8T in added debt @BarackObama's disgraceful 'ObamaCare' will still leave 30M uninsured,08-09-2012 19:51:48,233651813679779840 Twitter Web Client,Job openings are at a 4 year high but businesses aren't hiring Why? ObamaCare US debt & @BarackObama's tax plan.,08-09-2012 13:09:24,233550549017051136 Twitter Web Client,A 'confidential source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama has added over $6T to the new national debt & ruined US credit.,08-07-2012 19:38:31,232923697009278976 Twitter Web Client,.@MittRomney will create 2 million new jobs if elected POTUS. If reelected @BarackObama will create over $12T in new debt. Easy choice.,08-06-2012 20:48:24,232578895713546240 Twitter Web Client,US interest payments on the debt have already passed $375B this year China is laughing at us---as usual.,08-02-2012 20:10:13,231119736732274688 Twitter Web Client,Reckless--@BarackObama is projecting $1.2T deficit from 2012 budget & a projected $25.4T debt in a decade,07-31-2012 13:22:27,230292340827385856 Twitter Web Client,The Audacity of @BarackObama--the Federal Reserve purchased 61% of all debt issued by Treasury in 2011. Killing our children's future.,07-26-2012 14:47:00,228501680470257664 Twitter Web Client,The Federal government has $2.7T in assets & $17.5T in total liabilities plus another $4.7T in intergovernmental debt. Have a nice day.,07-26-2012 13:51:23,228487681477324800 Twitter Web Client,Hope & Change--since @BarackObama has taken office the US debt has increased by an average of $64K per taxpayer.,07-25-2012 20:27:55,228225086098927617 Twitter Web Client,US Gov't is on the hook for more than a third of the world's entire debt & we wonder why China & OPEC are laughing all the way to the bank!,07-25-2012 20:15:20,228221920963862531 Twitter Web Client,Under @MittRomney Bain had an 80% success rate with annual returns of over 50%. Under @BarackObama America has added over $6T in debt.,07-23-2012 16:43:59,227443956353470466 Twitter Web Client,With 15% US real unemployment and a 16T debt @Michelle Obama's luxurious Aspen vacation - her 16th - cost us over $1M,07-20-2012 19:44:28,226402211192766465 Twitter Web Client,SCARY-$6T in debt and $1T annual budget deficits later @BarackObama is asking for more time to fix the economy,06-13-2012 19:56:32,212996896908787712 Twitter Web Client,China has copied our military's F-22 Raptor design We should offset their theft from our debt.,06-11-2012 19:35:30,212266828062400512 Twitter Web Client,Over $1T in annual deficit spending and adding over $6T to the debt for what? May jobless numbers are horrendous. The great Obama recovery.,06-01-2012 18:21:12,208624252230963200 Twitter Web Client,Unsustainable- @BarackObama has increased total federal budget outlays by over 24% during his term He loves debt.,05-29-2012 20:04:39,207563123270500352 Twitter Web Client,In '08 @BarackObama said that Bush adding $4T to the debt was unpatriotic. @BarackObama has already added $6T.,05-29-2012 18:54:01,207545348581896192 Twitter Web Client,ObamaCare's tax credit is underperforming by over 95% creating an even bigger cost to the debt It must be repealed!,05-23-2012 20:31:38,205395585434533888 Twitter Web Client,China is now given preference to buy US debt by going directly to Treasury. I don't believe @BarackObama knows that he selling us out.,05-22-2012 19:41:12,205020507781865472 Twitter Web Client,America has lost its AAA rating and gained over $6T in debt under @BarackObama and now he wants to raise the debt ceiling--SCARY!,05-21-2012 19:12:00,204650769549508608 Twitter Web Client,Why the nation's debt keeps growing - a Dept of Agriculture employee made over $242K with a $63K bonus Ridiculous.,05-15-2012 20:17:48,202493001648439296 Twitter Web Client,America's debt crisis is our country's greatest challenge. Spending must be curbed for our long term fiscal future.,05-01-2012 19:05:02,197401260192829440 Twitter Web Client,The Federal Government is teaching citizens 'Financial Literacy' while it is running $16T in debt Only in America!,04-30-2012 18:51:06,197035365461262336 Twitter Web Client,Chinese spies stole our F-35 Joint Strike Fighter design We should offset the cost from our Chinese debt,04-30-2012 18:26:18,197029124357885953 TwitLonger Beta,RECKLESS! @BarackObama has now increased the debt more than any other POTUS and the first 42 combined.,04-19-2012 19:34:36,193060046614171649 Twitter Web Client,Waste! With a $16T debt and $1T budget deficit @BarackObama is sending $770M overseas "to fight global warming",03-30-2012 17:55:45,185787413057114112 Twitter Web Client,The Fed must be reined in. In 2011 the Fed bought 61% percent of US debt--even more than 2008. Unsustainable!,03-29-2012 18:41:17,185436481958068224 Twitter Web Client,Congratulations to @BarackObama for being reckless. In his first 38 months in office the debt has grown at a rate that is unthinkable.,03-19-2012 20:30:53,181840186739662848 Twitter Web Client,Someone should ask @BarackObama in today's press conference how he accumulated more debt in 3 years than the first 42 presidents combined.,03-06-2012 20:07:15,177123194728226817 Twitter Web Client,HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling govt debt...,02-23-2012 19:59:34,172772609627394049 Twitter Web Client,Foreigners slashed the purchase of US debt late last year--the first time in over 2years. We must control spending.,02-21-2012 17:22:34,172008322248085505 Twitter Web Client,Bush was called "unpatriotic" by @BarackObama in '07 for adding $4T to debt @BarackObama increased it $6T in 3 years.,02-16-2012 21:08:55,170253345745928194 Twitter Web Client,The Fed is considering issuing even more US bond debt into the market. Not good!,02-16-2012 21:01:35,170251500470276096 Twitter Web Client,This has to stop! @BarackObama loves accruing American debt--he missed his budget deficit goal by over $500 billion.,02-13-2012 17:36:05,169112620039811073 TwitLonger Beta,He's saddled our children with more debt than we accumulated in 225 years in America. @BarackObama has done an (cont),02-06-2012 19:32:59,166605325997318144 Twitter Web Client,The national debt continues to rise at record levels and today @BarackObama is in Disney World. He lives in a fantasy.,01-19-2012 21:01:38,160104653047087105 TwitLonger Beta,The Republicans should NOT give @BarackObama the authority to raise the debt another $1.2Trillion (cont),01-13-2012 20:37:08,157924158859247617 TwitLonger Beta,"Beyond simple justice and beyond reducing our national debt another advanage of taking the oil is that it (cont),01-05-2012 16:12:35,154958481525456896