Freedom Afrika

2nd cover of Freedom Afrika

In Freedom Afrika, the sequel to Cosmo Starlight’s novel Freedom Incorporated, Noodle Church escapes solitary confinement to work with people against bombs, bullets, powders, and policemen. Found journeying across three continents, bringing a pack which rarely comes off his back, and wearing canvas pants he’s accustomed to sleeping in, Africans procure Noodle a home so he mustn’t live on the street during the holidays. They feed Noodle, lend him jackets to wear when it’s cold, and provide security ensured by honest, trustworthy relationships.

At wildland that unfolds along a thousand kilometers of rugged coast to document his life in the system enslaving people with cameras and clandestine surveillance, someplace so remote footpaths replaced roads, Noodle thought he’d discovered freedom. But, where bulls bask in sun by the beach, he found wardens track him. The International Intelligence Service (IIS) recalls love he lost after detainment without charges, a trial, or records. A provocateur gained Noodle’s trust to compromise him so men riding dirt-bikes could push this blue-stained boy beyond the bounds of Freedom Inc.’s rule by catching him kill someone.

Instead, Noodle fled into the wild without clean water or shelter before returning to the floor of an African snack shop where he awoke last Christmas. Agents tracked him there too; yet, after fighting a twenty-year-long war, townspeople excelled at security. People who’d witnessed brothers being shot, poisoned, and burned alive proclaimed, “If men wearing white suits and masks attached to breathing apparatuses allege Noodle Church has a rare disease nobody’s heard of then it doesn’t matter because we fought for independence. We’ll never let wardens take him, even if they say it’s a matter of national security!”

Africans were poor but they reject bombs, bullets, powders, and policemen. Freedom Afrika teaches people need food, water, shelter, and love to live. Love is all Noodle needed!

ISBN# 978 13 10833 75 5

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eBooks also written by author Cosmo Starlight:

2nd cover of Freedom Incorporated
Freedom Incorporated