▲Church seeks an expert computer technologist to fill a rewarding senior level position at the company.
▲Church’s IT position spans computer science segments in skill, experience, and functions satisfied by specialists. Successful IT could become a powerful position at the company; agile command of computer technologies is paramount.
If IT stands for Information Technology and internet technology is just the platforms’ delivery then ▲Church seeks an Information Technologist- internet (ITI). Moreover, if Web Development (WD) exists in absence of design Web Design (WD) then this position demands a Web Designer- development (WDD). Hence, two requirements rarely contained in the same job post are graphic design and FTP expertise. Some knowledge of hardware developed to run Microsoft, Linux, Android, and Apple technology is required.
Programs the company uses covering those platforms number near one-hundred so this ITI-WDD person must demonstrate not only proficiency in the software but also efficiency plus learn basic operations of new programs to facilitate employee specialists, clients, vendors, and/or managers.
Hardware/software requisites intersect at configuration. Applicants can configure hardware to run in multiple software environments. Knowing hardware configurations exist, accessing hardware settings using software, how to set values before boot, and fail-safe operation as an inverse function of crashes or data loss IS REQUIRED.
Demonstrated ability to comprehend, translate, trouble-shoot, and/or write HTML, Java, SQL, PHP, Compound Format (OLE), Binary Code, C, MATLAB, text like CSV/Tab, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is desirable. Security is important, basics of encryption, fundamentals of pass-code access, and limitations of cloud computing like technologies hindering secure data storage/transfer- remote control and packet interruption- require familiarity. Ability to compose a computer algorithm in any language is absolutely necessary.
External hardware like monitors, keyboards, cameras, projectors, sound equipment, storage devices, speakers, and their interoperability/cross-functionality are plug and play. Modification including stripping, soldering, or taping isn’t required. But IT knowledge transcending the personal computer is necessary and this ITI-WDD person might set-up, order, or develop infrastructure including telephone networks operating on a variety of technologies, servers, and portable devices such as cell-phones, tablets, iPods, and eReading devices displaying ▲Church Publishing’s literature. Above all, this person must be interested in books!
Promotion to ▲Church CTO is possible and depends on creation of a successful website or app but confounding a CTO is support of the company in print media. Even if a candidate does not net CTO an ITI-WDD employee can be compensated in stock ownership of a website as part of their performance-based package.