On March 9, 2015 ▲Church appealed a determination by The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis denying the release of documents pertaining to Pursuit Lead Cables. ▲Church appealed this adverse decision to the Associate General Counsel of Homeland Security.
▲Church first learned The Department of Homeland Security issued Pursuit Lead Cables while conducting research for its white paper On Security. Instead of speculating about constitutionality after calling DHS to learn what a Pursuit Lead Cable is, on August 11, 2014 ▲Church filed a Freedom of Information Act request seeking documents pertaining to Pursuit Lead Cables. And, on January 13, 2015,▲Church received a response from The Office of Intelligence and Analysis claiming these documents are exempt from release in the interest of our national intelligence.
On his first day in Office President Barack Obama issued a memorandum stating Freedom of Information Act requests should be handled with the clear presumption that in the face of doubt openness prevails. So, without information indicating what a Pursuit Lead Cable is appearing anywhere else, ▲Church appealed the Office of Intelligence and Analysis’ secrecy. However I&A’s determination of 2014-IAFO-0246 was affirmed because these documents are classified.

Acting on behalf of The Department of Homeland Security General Counsel, as the result of a memorandum of agreement, The United States Coast Guard decided this appeal. The USCG determined any document including the words Pursuit Lead Cable was classified and affirmed DHS’s adverse decision to withhold these records from requesters in a two-paged Determination of Appeal of FOIA 2015-HQAP-00091 letter to ▲Church (page 1).

Pursuant 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(B) the only way to learn what a Pursuit Lead Cable is by filing a complaint in U.S. District Court for relief from Homeland Security requesting it release this agency’s records to the American public and into the care of ▲Church (page 2).