U.S. National Debt

Barack Hussein Obama borrowed about $10 trillion dollars to operate his U.S. Administration over eight years, 2008-2016. Barack Obama was the first President in U.S. history to borrow that much money. Excluding George W. Bush who responded to September 11, 2001 terror attacks, the second largest amount borrowed by a President was less than one-third: Democrat William Jefferson Clinton borrowed about $3 trillion dollars.

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▲Church Religion

In September of 2019 Church began advertising its own religion. Religion starts as Church administers its belief in law.

Church provides religion Three Domains of Law. According to faith there are three laws to follow, Physical Law, Natural Law, and Social Law; Church followers obey substantial, life, and/or human order. Read about a fourth law Church considers possible at the Religion page Faith.

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U.S. Debt and GDP Ratio

In The United States, Americans’ public debt crisis is always in the future. Normally routine, as recently as eight years or two presidential terms ago, Congress had an unprecedented debated over whether to raise government’s ability to borrow, the debt ceiling. There was a debt ceiling debate eight years before that too, in 2003.

The next debt ceiling debate is now.

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